
標題: Give Feedback to Us 活動大回饋 [打印本頁]

作者: chiuandy123    時間: 15-7-2013 11:59
標題: Give Feedback to Us 活動大回饋
本帖最後由 chiuandy123 於 21-7-2013 13:48 編輯

小弟擔任了English Plaza的版主已超過七個月了
在這七個月中 English Plaza亦舉辦了不少的活動

故此只要在2012年12月12日至2013年7月14日參加過English Plaza的活動
寫下你參加過的活動 和對English Plaza活動的建議即可獲得獎勵回饋 以感謝大家對English Plaza的支持  最多可獲150樂點

Give Feedback to Us 活動大回饋

15/7/13 - 31/7/13

Follow the format and fill in what activities you have participated in (during12/12/2012 to 14/7/2013) and comments you want me to improve.

Participated in 1 activity only 40 points
Participated in 2 activities or above 100 points
Give feedback to me (Optional) 50 points

  1. Nakuz ID:
  2. Activities you have participated:
  3. 1.
  4. 2.

1. List two activities only if you have participated in more than 2 activities.
2. Comments can be written in either Chinese or English.3. Members can also give comments to me if they haven't participated in any activities of English plaza before.
作者: Hellkite    時間: 15-7-2013 12:03
Nakuz ID:Hellkite
Activities you have participated:
1.Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖
2.[Every Day]Share an English Song~
作者: ∼香B∼    時間: 15-7-2013 18:55
Nakuz ID:~香B~
Activities you have participated:
1.Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖
2.[Every Day]Share an English Song~
作者: roompklee    時間: 15-7-2013 19:47
Nakuz ID:roompklee
Activities you have participated:
1.Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖
2.[Every Day]Share an English Song~
作者: 呀楊    時間: 15-7-2013 23:46
Nakuz ID:682837
Activities you have participated:
1.[Every Day]Share an English Song~
2.Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖
作者: 一人力    時間: 25-7-2013 23:11
Nakuz ID:760979
Activities you have participated:
1.Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖
2.[Every Day]Share an English Song~
Comments:You can coorporate with other moderators to hold some joint-site activities.
Experiences of international english exams(e.g. IELTS, TOEFL etc.) can be shared to the members.

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